It’s getting to that point in the project where I can see the finish line. But rather than excitement and joy I instead have nagging doubt and concern that I have missed something or done something wrong. I have at least double checked everything that I am doing as I put the car back together, but there are just so many different places were a small mistake can cause a major issue. Are all the correct fasteners in the the correct holes, are the torqued correctly has everything been cleaned and checked for damage before being re attached? The timing chain HAS to be correct. I know I re-did it about 4 times and double checked everything after doin it the last time.

I worked the full day and headed down to the shop. My bride is headed out to personally pick out the best produce that South Texas has to offer directly from the grocery store. This I am very grateful for since I feel the need to punch someone in face for being self important ass every time I walk in that store. Down at the shop it is just me and my loud A$$ music just as it has been since I took apart the 390 engine from the 69 4 door galaxy that ended up being cracked. Moving the way back machine from 1981 back to the present. I have more tools now but I still seem to be learning how to do the job moments before performing it. I found a big pair of channel locks and get at the oil filter with them. Not sure who installed this thing but I literally have to turn it 180º before it is loose enough for me to turn with my gorilla paws. Jiffy lube has destroyed more cars than demolition derby. Nice oil comes running down the sides of the filter which is weird, but once removed I see the familiar milkshake oil inside the filter. I grab the orange Fram filter with the grippy black paint on the bottom and apply some of the good oil to the seal and spin it on. Once flush I give it a 90º turn, this will NOT vibrate off or leak and it won’t require Herculean efforts to remove later.

Hmm, weird but from here, other than the belt which I will install from the wheel arch, everything under the car seems to be finished. I take it back. That compressor is possibly toast so I may be back under here soon, but not till she runs. So actually I have the plug for the radiator and the two splash guards that need to be re-attached. But I will now turn my attention to the top of the engine.

I think about what is next. I need to button up the back of the engine, I know that was one of the last things I did before removing the head, and it is already back on. I struggle with a hose spring clip for 5 minutes even with my set of spring clip pliers I just can’t get at it where it is. I’m in luck the hose is still lose and I remove the hose and pull the clip of the pipe. Now I can sit at a normal angle and work on this little booger. I get the clip clamped open just like they are installed at the factory. I put it on the hose and slip the hose on the the pipe and use a small flat head to un lock the clip. Job done. now where the hell do all these wires and plugs go and I will wait on them till later because leaning over the car I can’t breath.

I locate the thermostat on the front of the engine and work at removing the two 10mm nuts that hold the little plastic cover on. I swear sometimes I feel like I’m working on a big Toy. I pull the old thermostat out and it has some corrosion on it but the bottom moves easily the top not some much, but it is not 192º in here so it probably shouldn’t. I use the new thermostat with a new gasket and put it in clocked with the hole at 12 and try to get these tiny dam nuts back on. I only dropped one of them once so not bad and it doesn’t look like it is going to leak.

At this point I was thinking of calling it quits so I am not destroyed for tomorrow. But I decide to do one more big job. The intake manifold. I grab the new gasket and the manifold and grab a mess of wires and put them over the top. The wires at the bottom decide to be a pain in the butt and get tangled with the fan because I only have one hand free to move them. Once they are moved I tighten down the manifold with the 3 bolts and 2 nuts and jiggle it to make sure it is flush. It wasn’t so another round of tightening gets the job done. I manage to drop a shot bolt while attaching the oil dipstick to the manifold and decide that is it I am done. This is great progress and I will appreciate it tomorrow when I am back out here trying to finish up. And then to turn the key……..
