My Bride has managed to work off 60 lbs in the past 6 months with the help of a medication.  She has seen my struggle with my weight and has asked me to give it a try.  We just got new insurance so I decided to go see her doctor and give it a go. 

To set the initial stage, I will let you know that I am now the largest I have ever been.  A phrase that I have sadly offered up multiple times in the past couple of years when discussing my weight.  I did manage to drop 20lbs about a year ago but when it came back on it brought another 10 with it.  Needless to say that by the time I got on the scale at the Dr. office I showed to be 317lbs. I do believe my clothes that day probably weighed 5lbs but to be in easy numbers let’s just say 315.  At a generous 5’9″ that makes my BMI 46 which by the way is actually off the chart in her office. This is not a proud moment. 

She gives me the superficial once over, asks some basic questions, listens to what sounds a lot like an old mans complaints about aches and pains and then give me her diagnosis and plan for success. Part of it is making sure I am up to date on the various vaccines for flu, covid, and shingles. I am now scheduled for shingles shots. I mentioned my lower back has been aching for months, I am scheduled for some lower back imaging. I discussed my alcohol intake with her and she let me know that the medication she wants me to take for my weight would not be compatible with alcohol intake and would destroy my liver so I have to stop drinking completely. …….

Looks like I am going to be losing a LOT of weight. For the past few years more than half of my calorie intake has been in the form of carbs from alcoholic drinks, mainly beer and wine. Without this intake my weight will drop off quickly. The medication is what is going to stop me from drinking again. She also wanted me to take an anti-depression medication to help with anxiety and sleeping. I passed for now. And for sleeping she wants me to do a sleep study to test for sleep apnea. I know I have it but since the test is just to wear a ring while I sleep I agreed to that too.

My appointment was on Tuesday and my last drink was on Monday Nov 27, 2023. I know I will drink again but only if I can keep it in check and not destroy my health again. I have managed to make it to Thursday mid day without a drink and it has not bothered me. I do get bored in the evening but I’m sure it will get used to it or find something else to keep me busy.
