The only way to break the drought is to publish something. ANYTHING! So here it is.

After the monumental task of getting my truck running again, I kinda collapsed. Not in a major physical way, partially yes but mentally a lot. The Post list is littered with half thought out, partially written posts that never seemed worthy of finishing or posting. And as the time wore on I felt worse about how long it had been and even started staying away from the blog all together. I get something in my head that doesn’t want to come to the surface and be handled but also manages to control my mental thoughts and the actions that it wants to. If I take the time to actually handle the feelings they would disappear quickly. Logic has a way of handling stupid thoughts. But I don’t feel they are worthy of my conscious efforts so they linger and have negative effects.

There are a ton of things I could explain as to why each abandoned post was not finished but it is a waste of time. Here is the latest post and there will be more to come as if nothing happened. The unexplained absence will continue to be just that.

Welcome Back Me.
