Today started with a bang, literally. Around 7:30am a bang which came from the other side of the wall from our bed woke us up. The sound was accompanied by the power in the house going off. After dressing to the rhythmic chirping of a couple of battery backups, I went searching for the source of the sound.

I checked the transformer and saw the fuse bar or as the CPS guys called it “the door” hanging down.

Breaker bar hanging open

They showed up within 20 minutes. I barely had time to use my emergency equipment to make a coffee. We had some amazing migratory birds drinking from the pond about twenty at a time from a flock of more than 100. Can’t believe I didn’t get a picture. Work kept me busy today till 5:30.

I got little finished but it was significant. I realized that the bolts for engine stand may not have a ton of thread sticking out but it is enough to almost bottom out in the holes. So I didn’t fee that bad mounting the engine. I quickly removed the girdles and all the roller lifters from the valley of goo, and just used the TBI engine tray to keep them in order. Not much chance of getting them mixed up since they are completely different parts. The amount of chunky goo on the parts is just disgusting, but I won’t be on them for long.

As soon as the lifters were out I rotated the engine so I could get to this frozen bottom end.the only overload of crap down here is what was sitting i the bottom of the pan. I would imagine that oil pump is completely clogged. I removed it and the windage tray using my favorite tool and started in on the main bearings and the rod bearings. I still don’t know what has locked this engine up.

After marking the rods with their numbers using the metal punches. I removed Pistons 1 and 2 without much problem and both bearings look surprising clean. Then I removed the front main bearing. Bingo, nasty looking bearing damage. I wonder how much more I am going to find.

I removed Pistons #3 & 4 as clean as the first two. The second main bearing was a different story than the first one. It is so clean it looks brand new. I was running out of time and it was getting cold so I finished some smaller tasks. I went ahead and removed both the engine mounts but took pictures since they are different than the other bock due to the adapter to hold the rods for the bell housing.

I am really enjoying the heft and torque of this beast of a tool. I can’t say it is easy on batteries but it seriously cuts down on the need for me to pull my out of shape muscles in my torso while breaking tight bolts free. I still can’t believe I spoiled myself by purchasing it.

The Torque Monster

I will try to get up at a decent hour tomorrow and finish tearing this block down.
