My bride started her civic duty with the Justice department on zoom this morning. Jury duty is important especially these days with the amount of crime we have. But the process is antiquated slow and she was already bored out of her mind by the time I got to my desk.

My tech call lasted a full two hours. In an effort to not sit all day, I had my standing desk all the way up and my back was killing me.

After readjusting the desk to seated, I dove into the technical geekery that gets me paid. By the time I looked up again it is already 1:30, since I needed to leave for my Dr. annual check up I stayed at my desk and planed on getting in some shop time after I got back.

For the first time in over 20 years my Dr. was very happy with my health. In fact because my weight and resting heart rate have both dropped, so has my blood pressure. With that in mind he tells me to skip one of my meds if I start feeling lightheaded. And if I keep losing weight we will probably need to tone down my other meds. Nice! I still have about 70lbs. to lose but I already feel amazing.

After seeing the Dr. and requesting a referral to my parents dermatologist (I promised my mother I would), I moved over to the phlebotomist to give my samples. Interesting guy, when I mentioned I was working on my truck he as intrigued. As a former mechanic he has worked on plenty and asked for an update if I come back in. Will do.

Back at the house I finished my day, noticed it was still cold and with the addition of rain I and decided to use the evening to catch up on school work.

Yes, at 55 I am taking another college course. My brother (another nerd with amazing capabilities) invited me to take it with him. The offering is a data science course which will be useful in my current position and in the future. The section I am taking right now is inferential statistics, so I have to remove some of the math rust from my brain to fully comprehend the course. I need to finish four more sections by the 13th when the next section starts. So I finish two tonight ending with a 2 hour quiz which i finish in 1 hour. guessing a few questions cuts down on the time spent 😉

Since I didn’t finish the section quiz till 8:30 p.m. there was no real chance to do anything around the truck today. Although I did find the essential parts for the tire changer upgrade project. Pipe collars, thrust bearings and the duck head tire changer. All conveniently bundled on Amazon. I guess I better get my cart checked out. I need to double my efforts to get to the shop tomorrow even though the weather will be more of the same.
