Thursday was a bad day for me. I was on our normal developement department skype call and we were almost done when our product manager gave some feedback about people not knowing was a .csv file was and that we should change it. Now as much as I think people who are too stupid to use software should just have their credential revoked, I also understand that these are the people who pay for it. For some reason this set me off and I kept going badk to saying we can’t change it. Yes it is part of the datatable object we are using and built in, and yes it is very prevalent in most other programs that let you export reports, but I was just being plain stubborn and getting really worked up about it. When I heard some laughing about it, I almost pushed my computer off my desk. I hung up and closed all my programs yelled a couple of profanities and then let my bride know that I will be down in the shop and I don’t care who needs me.

This is not the calm collected actions of a 55 year old man who has run a software and IT department for a hosting company, been a project manager at IBM and currently runs all the hardware and architects the software for a worldwide company. I do believe that stress, exhaustion and frustration have finally combined and need to be released. For this reason. I spent the rest of the day down in the shop cleaning, organizing, and working on the various engine parts that have to be de-gunked before they can be put back in the truck. The work was tedious, mind numbingly boring, and just what I needed to clear my head. I was clearly not of any use at work in the state that I was in that morning and with all the other things I need to do after hours etc. I will still be over 40 hours working this week even with this break.

As you can see this block is still covered in dark black oily grime. Amazingly only one main bearing has any damage at all. I checked these cylinders and they are much straighter than the other block, but It was just a preliminary check and I need to do it again and write down all the specs. While this is a two bolt main and the other block a 4 bolt, I know this one fits perfectly and I started cleaning it up for re-use.

I got the crank out of the block I got the freeze plugs out of the sides of the block, I even managed to remove the cam bearings. I too great care in cleaning all the gunk off the cam bearing installation tool. it has a light blue plastic blow molded case and the dark brownish black oil would have ruined it. I also marked the size of the wrench necessary to tighten the bolt on the inside of the box. Just another shortcut that makes things easier in the future.
