Back in college many different little phrases would present themselves in front of me and my buddies and inevitably one of us would find one intriguing and announce “That would make a great band name”. And then we would discuss the merits of said phrase and offer up variations or alternatives that might be even better or much worse. That has stuck with me and expanded to great song titles too. and every once in a while a beauty will present itself like while sitting at a bar with a friend she lamented to me that she was “50, fat and single”. Seriously? Who doesn’t think that is the name of a great country tune.

While i haven’t come up with the song yet. Last year The Music Man was complaining about his friend /employee who was not able to help him with a bunch of issues because he was stuck having to go to a tropical Island with a stunning woman whom he had just married. He kept talking about how had do do this and that and meanwhile Brent’s f’ing off in Aruba. We laughed and after I hung up, i was enjoying a cigar and and some vino on the patio and the ideas just started to flow. Here is what I came up with.

Me and Brent

My life is good and party I must
with plenty of friends but few that I trust
So when it comes to wondering to whom my thoughts went
The go to guy, is my buddy Brent.

We are tight and chill and hang quite a bit
but he has a good woman so sometimes we split
This week I'm busy getting an album released
While he and his lady flew of to the east.

I trust him like a brother with a studio key
So when I'm useless, he'll unlock it for me
its normally not a problem, but I know if he could
then he'll be there for me to make it all good

Ill be careful this week to not be a dumb ass
We both like the ganja so we lock up our stash
Each with a key that matches the other
We have equal access like my cannabis brother

I go out to dinner and to my surprise 
this girl I've been ogling looks me right in the eyes
she says "All these people are perfect bores"
If you get me high, I swear that I'm yours

Brent would have said "Don't be a retard"
but my secondary brain is already hard
I take her immediately back to the lair
10 minutes later my pockets are bare

I was past my limit and snored through my nose
she took this as a sign to steal all my clothes
How was I to know that she was on parole
But Brent's in Aruba and now I'm in the hole

This chick found my keys and smoked my stash good
then took of her clothes and pranced the neighborhood
The police were not amused but that's not as bad
as the huge tatoo'd dude that she call's her dad.

This dudes in my face with a big .45
I'm thinking of words to keep me alive
"I  swear to you bro, I never knew her"
Meanwhile Brent's in fu@king Aruba

The date of the note is Wednesday, March 23, 2022 10:55 PM. The Music Man and I attended a rosary and a Catholic Mass for Jerry my old boss’s funeral today. We hung out after and Brent’s name came up and I remembered the song. I never did get to send it to him so I did today. He laughed his butt off and promised he would either record it himself of get his son to take it on. It would be cool if they do but it won’t hurt my feelings if it doesn’t get high enough on the priorities list. It was just a fun little exercise to see if I could do it.
