I’m ready for this 5 minutes of bad weather to be over. This morning we woke up to half an inch of ice encrusting every thing. While it’s true I work from home and I only need to walk from my bedroom to my office. I did get to experience some hardship brought on by the weather. My golf cart no longer has a roof due to some severely rutted roads on a ranch in Utopia. So this morning there was ice all over the seat and icicles hanging from the steering wheel. I could have probably broken it and cleared it off, but the big oak in the middle of the driveway circle was hanging so low with the weight of the ice. I couldn’t have drive past it anyway. So instead I grabbed my thinsulate lined leather work gloves an broke the ice off the trash can handles and walked them up to the road.

I took a couple of shots of the ice with my phone and was about to head back down. Crack! I head a tree split open and crash to the ground. Once I got back in the house there was no way I was headed any where. I peered through the window in the bedroom and found the culprit. One of the oaks in front of the Cabana couldn’t handle the weight of the ice and broke at a weak spot it had from a scar from a missing limb.

Another Project or two

This unrequested project just pushed itself up the priority list. The limb is blocking the driveway around the cabana. On the bright side, I will have some more oak to use for firewood, and it adds to the urgency of another project to add a firebox on the side of the old wood fired bbq. If I do this i will be able to smoke brisket. The national meat of Texas!

Needless to say this is another day i will not be making it down to the shop to work on the truck. I am a little curious to see what damage there may be over by the shop. There are plenty of large trees around there. I better look for my chain sharpener, Oak dulls the blades quickly.
